See how light has been an integral part in creating an uplifting experience for shoppers and staff across 16 of Lifeline Supa Stores in Queensland.

Lifeline Supa Stores,
Queensland, Australia

The new store lighting has made a significant difference to the appearance of the store and given it a breath of fresh air. There are no more blind, dark or dreary corners which means a happier and brighter shopping experience for our valued customers.

Customer challenge
Remaining largely untouched for many years, Lifeline’s inefficient lighting across its Queensland stores was making it hard for its customers and staff to navigate through the store and see the merchandise in its best light. The lack of effective lighting also needed to be addressed to meet workplace safety standards and energy efficiency concerns which were also a priority to the Lifeline team.
The right lighting
The selection process to choose the right provider for this project was very meticulous. “When planning to upgrade the stores our team reviewed 30 lighting providers. We decided on Philips due to the LED fittings meeting technical requirements, price and perceived service levels” - Judene Andrews, Manager Sustainability, UnitingCare Community
From a workplace safety perspective the lighting quality and uniformity all factored into the lighting choices. The introduction of these energy efficient LED lights is also acknowledged as significantly contributing towards energy savings.
By introducing LED technology into the Lifeline stores the team have seen noticeable savings and an increased flexibility to meet the day-to-day requirements of their staff and customers.
"I find a lot of our staff are not straining to see small marks on clothing items like they used to. It is also brighter in corners of the warehouse and makes it a lot safer where we store stock and from a work health safety point of view, the lights make a safer place to work" - Lisa Ross, Distribution Co-coordinator, Lifeline Maroochydore.
“We have had numerous compliments from our customers about the improvement of lighting within our shop” – Ann Franklin, Lifeline Bokarina.
Lifeline Stores help save people’s lives. By buying from their stores you contribute to a vital fund that keeps a 24h crisis support line open to people in need. Philips is proud to be a part of creating a more workable and shop able environment for the people who spend their days supporting this initiative.
Aligning with Lifelines workplace safety standards and a focus on healthy working, the new stores lighting is now a reflection of Lifelines bright and positive effect on society.

CoreLine LED
CoreLine LED is a new range of stylish, high output LED luminaires suitable for indoor applications. With its future proof LED platform, CoreLine LED has an advanced optic design that ensures maximum lighting output and distribution are achieved.